This woman's work is amazing. Every piece on her website is so colourful and uplifting. These images make for good viewing after witnessing such a dull and dreary day.
Not long now 'till me and my lady friend depart for the windy city! 8 days of sun, sand, skyscrapers, oh and some festival called lollapalooza. Cannot wait!. Expect to see tons of holiday snaps uploaded when we get back! Time to get packing......
Coinciding with the theatrical release of the highly lauded “When you’re Strange” documentary, Shoreditch’s brilliant Idea Generation Gallery, in conjunction with Morrison Hotel Gallery, is currently playing host to a mesmerising collection of photographs – iconic shots alongside more personal reflections – by Henry Diltz, Joel Brodsky, Bobby Klein and Ken Regan, who all documented the sensationally controversial, and quite brilliant, band at the height of their popularity – and notoriety. Showing until 27th August at 11 Chance Street, this is a must for anyone with even the slightest interest in rock history…..
Discovered this aussie trio today and instantly fell in love with this track. They're touring the UK mid september through to October so I'll be trying my upmost to catch them live. Tour dates are on their myspace...
Save our souls is the title of this years degree show for Camberwell College of Arts' 2010 BA Illustration graduates. The degree show ended on the 13th, but the website showcases the 'unique spectrum of self-initiated work from a sixty-strong year' and is well worth a look at. Here's a handful of my favourite pieces from various graduates...
A beautiful set of landscape photographs taken by Noa Emberson for his 'reaching for imperfection' series, that were also used as part of 'the visual mixtape' poster project you can view on his behance network profile...
Isaac is a senior designer for Chicago Press. His work is both striking and sophisticated, while maintaining a clean minimalism. He gets the message across of what each title is about with such ease. He also has a great collection of sketchbook work and collages, as well as some type design that can be viewed on his website. It's his book cover designs I adore the most though, the images above being a small selection of my favourites.